Book Appointment
View The ShowFlat @ SORA Condo & Get Direct Developer Discounts

Buying a house is a long-term financial commitment and many considerations have to be factored in. It is important to look for Official Direct Developer Sales Team to have a walk-through with you on the procedures involving the payment scheme and the timeline.
By engaging Official Developer Sales Team, you will also enjoy discounts on your property purchase and no commission is payable on your end.
As SORA Condo showflat by CEL might be closed at certain days for private events, all viewings will be by appointment.
Important Note: To book a unit, please call +65 67175005 to tentatively reserve your unit before coming down to the SORA condo showflat to avoid disappointment. You can refer the SORA Condo balance units chart and pricing. If you wish to view SORA Condo showflat first before making a decision, kindly book an appointment via the form below before coming down.